Wykaz podstawowej literatury z obszaru
etyki informatycznej

Anderson Ronald, Johnson Deborah, Gotterbarn Donald, Perrolle Judith (1993). Using the New ACM Code of Ethics in Decision Making. W: "Communications of the ACM";, vol. 36, luty 1993, s. 98 - 107.

Bober Wojciech J. (2000). Etyka komputerowa w świetle współczesnej filozofii moralnej. Nieopublikowany maszynopis rozprawy doktorskiej, Instytut Filozofii UW, Warszawa.

Brey Philip (2001). Disclosive Computer Ethics. W: R. A. Spinello, H. T. Tavani (red.), Readings in CyberEthics. Jones and Bartlett.

Bynum Terrell W. (2000), The Foundation of Computer Ethics. Referat plenarny na konferencji AICEC `99, Melbourne, Australia (lipiec 1999). Opublikowany w "Computers and Society", czerwiec 2000.

Bynum Terrell W. (1993), Computer Ethics in the Computer Science Curriculum. W: T. W. Bynum, W. Maner, J. L. Fodor (red), Teaching Computer Ethics. Research Center on Computing & Society.

Bynum Terrell W., Moor James (1998). The Digital Phoenix: How Computers are Changing Philosophy. Oxford, Wielka Brytania i Malden, USA. Blackwell.

Bynum Terrell W., Rogerson Simon (red.) (1996). Global Information Ethics. Guildford, Wielka Brytania. Opragen Publications (numer specjalny "Science and Engineering Ethics" z kwietnia 1996).

Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility: Serving the Community: A Public Interest Vision of the National Information Infrastructure (raport). Palo Alto, Kalifornia, USA. CPSR National Office, 1994.

Conry Susan (1992). Interview on Computer Science Accreditation. W: T. W. Bynum, J. L. Fodor (twórcy), Computer Ethics in the Computer Science Curriculum (program wideo). Educational Media Resources.

Dunlop Charles, Kling Rob (1991). Computerization and Controversy: Value Conflicts and Social Choices. Orlando, Academic Press.

Elgesem Dag (1996). Privacy, Respect for Persons, and Risk. W: Ch. Ess (red.), Philosophical Perspectives on Computer-Mediated Communication. State University of New York Press.

Fodor John L., Bynum Terrell W. (1992). What Is Computer Ethics? (program wideo). Educational Media Resources.

Forester Tom, Morrison Perry (1994). Computer Ethics: Cautionary Tales and Ethical Dilemmas in Computing, wyd. II, Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT Press.

Fried Charles (1984). Privacy. W: F. D. Schoeman (red.), Philosophical Dimensions of Privacy. Cambridge University Press.

Friedman Batya, Nissenbaum Helen (1996). Bias in Computer Systems. W: "ACM Transactions on Information Systems", vol. 14, nr 3, s. 330 - 347.

Friedman Batya (red.) (1997). Human Values and the Design of Computer Technology. Cambridge University Press.

Gentile Mary, Sviokla John (1991). Information Technology in Organizations: Emerging Issues in Ethics and Policy. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard Business School Publications.

Górniak-Kocikowska Krystyna (1996). The Computer Revolution and the Problem of Global Ethics. W: T. W. Bynum, S. Rogerson, s. 177 - 190.

Gotterbarn Donald (1991). Computer Ethics: Responsibility Regained. W: "National Forum: The Phi Beta Kappa Journal", vol. 71, s. 26 - 31.

128                                       Pod red. A. Kocikowskiego, K. Górniak-Kocikowskiej, T. W. Bynuma

Gotterbarn Donald, Miller Keith, Rogerson Simon (1997). Software Engineering Code of Ethics. W: "Information Society", vol. 40, nr 11, s. 110 - 118.

Gotterbarn Donald (2001). Informatics and Professional Responsibility. W: "Science and Engineering Ethics", vol. 7, nr 2.

Grillo John P., Kallman Ernest (1993). Ethical Decision Making and Information Technology, Watsonville, Mitchell McGraw-Hill.

Huff Chuck, Finholt Thomas (1994). Social Issues in Computing: Putting Computing in its Place. New York, McGraw-Hill.

Introna Lucas D. (1997). Privacy and the Computer: Why We Need Privacy in the Information Society. W: "Metaphilosophy", vol. 28, nr 3, s. 259 - 275.

Introna Lucas D., Nissenbaum Helen (2000). Shaping the Web: Why the Politics of Search Engines Matters. W: "The Information Society", vol. 16, nr 3, s. 1 - 17.

Johnson Deborah G. (1992). Proprietary Rights in Computer Software: Individual and Policy Issues. W: T. W. Bynum, W. Maner, J. L. Fodor (red.), Software Ownership and Intellectual Property Rights. Research Center on Computing & Society.

Johnson Deborah G. (1994). Computer Ethics. Wyd. II. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall.

Johnson Deborah G., Nissenbaum Helen (red.) (1995). Computers, Ethics and Social Values. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall.

Johnson Deborah G. (1999). Computer Ethics in the 21st Century. Referat plenarny na konferencji ETHICOMP `99, Rzym, padziernik 1999. W: R. A. Spinello, H. T. Tavani (red.), Readings in CyberEthics. Jones and Bartlett 2001.

Kocikowski Andrzej (1999). Technologia informatyczna a stary problem totalitaryzmu. W: "Nauka", nr 1, s. 120 - 126.

Kocikowski Andrzej (1996). Geography and Computer Ethics: An Eastern European Perspective. W: T. W. Bynum, S. Rogerson, s. 201 - 210.

Laudon Kenneth (1995). Ethical Concepts and Information Technology. W: "Communications of the ACM", grudzień 1995, s. 33 - 39.

Maner Walter (1980). Starter Kit in Computer Ethics. Helvetia Press (opublikowano we współpracy z National Information and Resource Center for Teaching Philosophy). Oryginalna publikacja w nakładzie własnym Manera pojawiła się w roku 1978.

Marx Gary T. (2001). Identity and Anonymity: Some Conceptual Distinctions and Issues for Research. W: J. Caplani, J. Topey, Documenting Individual Identity. Princeton University Press.

Mason Richard (1986). Four Ethical Issues of the Information Age. "MIS Quarterly", marzec 1986, s. 46 - 55.

Miller A. R. (1971). The Assault on Privacy: Computers, Data Banks, and Dossiers. University of Michigan Press.

Moor James H. (1999). Just Consequentialism and Computing. W: "Ethics and Information Technology", vol. 1, nr 2, s. 65 - 69.

Moor James H. (1998). Reason, Relativity and Responsibility in Computer Ethics. W: "Computers and Society", vol. 27, nr 3, s. 14 - 21.

Moor James H. (1997). Towards a Theory of Privacy in the Information Age. W: "Computers and Society", vol. 28, nr 1, s. 27 - 32.

Moor James H. (1985). What Is Computer Ethics?. W: T. W. Bynum (red.), Computers and Ethics. Oxford, Blackwell, s. 266 - 275 (specjalny numer "Metaphilosophy" z padziernika 1985).

Nissenbaum Helen (1999). The Meaning of Anonymity in an Information Age. W: "The Information Society", vol. 15, s. 141 - 144.

Nissenbaum Helen (1998). Protecting Privacy in an Information Age: The Problem of Privacy in Public. W: "Law and Philosophy", vol. 17, s 559 - 596.

Nissenbaum Helen (1995). Should I Copy My Neighbor`s Software? W: D. Johnson, H. Nissenbaum (red.), Computers, Ethics, and Social Responsibility. Prentice Hall.

Oz Effy (1994). Ethics for the Information Age. Los Angeles, Kalifornia, USA: Wm. C. Brown.

Parker Donn (1968). Rules of Ethics in Information Processing. W: "Communications of the ACM", vol. 11.

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Parker Donn (1979). Ethical Conflicts in Computer Science and Technology. AFIPS Press, s. 198 - 201.

Parker Donn, Swope Susan, Baker Bruce N. (1990). Ethical Conflicts in Information and Computer Science, Technology and Business. Wellesley, Massachusetts, USA: QED Information Sciences.

Perrolle Judith A. (1987). Computers and Social Change: Information, Property, and Power. Wadsworth.

Rogerson Simon (1996). The Ethics of Computing: The First and Second Generations. W: "The UK Business Ethics Network News", wiosna 1996, s. 1 - 4.

Rogerson Simon, Bynum Terrell W. (1995). Cyberspace: The Ethical Frontier. W: "Times Higher Education Supplement", The London Times, 9 czerwca 1995.

Rosenberg Richard (1992). The Social Impact of Computers. Nowy Jork, USA: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.

Samuelson Pamela (1991). Is Information Property? W: "Communications of the ACM", marzec 1991, s. 15 - 18.

Sójka Jacek (1996). Business Ethics and Computer Ethics: The View from Poland. W: T. Bynum, S. Rogerson, s. 191 - 200.

Spafford Eugene H. (1992). Are Computer Hacker Break-Ins Ethical? W: "Journal of Systems Software", styczeń 1992, s. 41 - 47.

Spafford Eugene H., Heaphy Kathleen A., Ferbrache David J. (1989). Computer Viruses: Dealing with Electronic Vandalism and Programmed Threats. Arlington, Wirginia, USA: ADAPSO Press.

Spinello Richard A. (1997). Case Studies in Information and Computer Ethics. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, USA: Prentice-Hall.

Spinello Richard A. (1995). Ethical Aspects of Information Technology. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA: Prentice-Hall.

Spinello Richard A., Tavani Herman T. (red.) (2001). Readings in CyberEthics. Jones and Bartlett.

Stallman Richard (1992). Why Software Should Be Free. W: T. Bynum, W. Maner, J. Fodor (red.), Software Ownership and Intellectual Property Rights, New Haven, Connecticut, Research Center on Computing and Society, s. 31 - 46.

Steidlmeier Paul (1993). The Moral Legitimacy of Intellectual Property Claims: American Business and Developing Country Perspectives. W: "Journal of Business Ethics", luty 1993, s. 157 - 164.

Tavani Herman T. (1999). Privacy On-Line. W: "Computers and Society", vol. 29, nr 4, s. 11 - 19.

Tavani Herman T., Moor James H. (2001). Privacy Protection, Control of Information, and Privacy-Enhancing Technologies. W: "Computers and Society", vol. 31, nr 1, s. 6 - 11.

The League for Programming Freedom. Against Software Patents. W: T. W. Bynum, W. Maner, J. L. Fodor (red.), Software Ownership and Intellectual Property Rights. Research Center on Computing & Society 1992.

Turkle Sherry (1995). Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet. Simon & Schuster (Touchstone paperback, 1997).

Turkle Sherry (1984). The Second Self: Computers and the Human Spirit. Simon & Schuster.

Turner Joseph A. (1991). Summary of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Curriculum Task force Report: Computing Curricula 1991. W: "Communications of the ACM", vol. 34, nr 6, s. 69 - 84.

van Speybroeck James (1994). Review of Starter Kit on Teaching Computer Ethics (red. T. W. Bynum, W. Maner, J. L. Fodor). W: "Computing Reviews", lipiec 1994, s. 357 - 358.

Weckert John, Adeney Douglas (1997). Computer and Information Ethics. Greenwood Publishing Group.

Weizenbaum Joseph (1976). Computer Power and Human Reason: From Calculation to Judgment. San Francisco, USA: Freeman.

Westin Alan R. (1967). Privacy and Freedom. Atheneum.

Wiener Norbert (1948). Cybernetics: or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine. Technology Press.

Wiener Norbert (1950). The Human Use of Human Beings: Cybernetics and Society. Houghton Mifflin (wyd. drugie poprawione, Doubleday Anchor 1954).

Wiener Norbert (1960). Some Moral and Technical Consequences of Automation. W: "Science", vol. 131, s. 1355 - 1358.

Zacher Lech W. (red.) (1997). Rewolucja informacyjna i społeczeństwo, Warszawa.

Zuboff Shoshana (1988). In the Age of the Smart Machine: The Future of Work and Power. Nowy Jork, USA: Basic Books.