Tadeusz BUKSINSKI , e-mail: tabu@ amu.edu.pl; fax: 0048-61-8471555
61642 Poznan, ul.Szamarzewski 89 c ,Poland
Academic position: Full Professor
Chair- Social and Political Philosophy
Field of research: Social Philosophy,
Philosophy of Politics
Philosophy of History
Posts: -Director of the Institute of Philosophy Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan
-Editor -in-Chief of the Scientific Publisher of the Institute of Philosophy AMU,
-Editor- in Chief of the DIA-LOGOS, edited by Peter Lang
ARTICLES in English and German:
- Non possumus, in: Freiheit und Verantwortung,(ed. Roman Kozłowski, Piotr Juchacz),
Peter Lang, 2002, pp. 5-24
- Changes in the moral Consciousness in the Postcommunist Countries, in: Transformations,
Adaptations and Integrations in Europe, (ed.Z.Drozdowicz), Humaniora, Poznan 2001,
- The Human Being in the Liberal-Democratic Epoch, in: “Analecta Husserliana”, vol.
LXVII, Kluwer, 2000, pp.467-476
- The Collective Identity in the Period of Transformations, in: Freedom in Contemporary
Culture,(ed. Z.Zdybicka), vol.II, KUL, Lublin 1999, pp.411-420
- Morality and Politics in Postcommunist Countries, in: Applied Ethics, vol.1,(ed. P.Kampits,
K.Kokai,A.Weinberg), Kirchberg am Wechsel, 1998, pp.109-115
- The Rationality of Interpretation in Social Sciences, in:Criticism and Defence of
Rationality in Contemporary Philosophy, (ed. D.Gordon, J.Niznik), Rodopi 1998,
- Civil Society, Democracy and Philosophy in Postcommunist Poland,in: Philosophy in
Postcommunist Europe, (ed.D.Gordon), Rodopi 1998, pp.43-55
- Die Vernunftigkeit der Geschichte und der Geschichte der Philosophie bei Hegel, “Hegel-
Jahrbuch“ 1997 (ed.A.Arndt, K.Bal, H.Ottmann), pp.40-46
- Public Morality versus Business in Eastern Europe, in: Currevnt Issues in Political
Philosophy (ed.P.Koller,K.Puhl,) Kirschberg am Wechsel 1996, pp.62-70
- Philosophy at the University, Perpectives in the Higher Education Reform, vol. 4, Prescott
Publishing Company, 1995, pp.234-242
- Cognitive Interpretation of Texts, in: Culture and Value, Philosoophy and Cultural
Sciences (ed.S.Johannessen, T.Nordestam) Kirschberg am Wechsel 1995, pp.608-616
- Kategorie der Sittlichkeit und die Wirklichkeit der postkommunistischen Staaten, “Hegel-
Jahrbuch“ 1995, pp. 169-173
- From Imposed to Immanent Reason, “Metaphilosophy” vol. 25, Nos.2-3, 1994, pp.205-214
- Die Erkenntnisstruktur der Texte, in: Sprache-Kommunikation-Informatik, Max Niemayer
Verlag Tubingen 1993, pp.741-747
- Interpretation and Erklarung in der Sozialwissenschaften, in: Zur Fragen der heutigen
Theorie und Methodologie der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnis, (ed.J.Such) Poznan 1992,
- Narration or Historical Discourse, in: Language and Interpretation, (ed.
B.Andrzejwski),WNIFUAM, Poznan 1992, pp.77-88
- Past Awarness as a Factor of Changes in Eastern Europe, “Science for Peace”,1991 vol 1,
nr. 4, pp.11-17
- Interpretation of References of Linguistic Expressions, in: Interpretation in the
Humanities,(ed. T.Buksinski), WNIFUAM, Poznan 1990,pp.6-25
- Generalizations, Laws, Theoretical Models in Historical and Social Sciences, in: Laws and
Theories in Empirical Sciences, (ed.T.Buksinski), WNIFUAM, Poznan 1988, pp.77-88
- Some Remarks on the Role of Indicators in Historical Inquiries, in: Philosophy of Mind,
Philosophy of Psychology. Proceeedings of the 19th International Wittgenstein Symposium,
Wien 1985, pp.243-246
- Die Begrundung des historischen Wissens, “Zeitschrift fur Allgemeine
Wissenschaftstheorie“, 1985, vol.XVI, H.1, pp.1-19
- Moderność [ Modernity], WNIFUAM, Poznan 2001
- (with E.Nowak-Juchacz, W.Schrader), Beitrage zur philosophischen Partnerschaft
Deutschland und Polens, WNIFUAM, Poznan 2000
- Racjonalność wspołdziałań
[Rationality of Cooperation], WNIFUAM, Poznan 1996- Essays in the Philosophy of History, WNIFUAM, Poznan 1994
- Interpretacja żródeł historycznych pisanych [ The Interpretation of the historical
Documents}, PWN, Warszawa-Poznan 1993
- Zasady i metody interpretacji tekstów żródłowych [ The Principles and Methods of
Interpretation of Texts] WNIFUAM, Poznan 1992
- (with K.Kocikowska), Nowożytna kultura umysłowa Niemiec [ The modern spiritual
Culture in Germany], WNUAM, Poznan 1985
-Metodologiczne problemy uzasadniania wiedzy historycznej [ The Methodological Problems
of Justification of Historical Knowledge], PWN, Warszawa-Poznan 1982
- Problem obiektywności wiedzy historycznej [The Problem of Objectivity of Historical
Knowledge], PWN, Warszawa-Poznan 1979